Friday, July 31, 2009

The "Hummer"

Our double jogger finally arrived! We can't wait to give it a whirl this weekend. Hopefully both the babes like it! Mama's ready to get back in shape!

Jack the dare devil!!!

Well, we had quite the scare yesterday.

We had our great friend Christine, and her 9 month old son Canaan over to play in the afternoon. Jack was goofing around with Canaan, and was on his knees leaning over the side of the recliner. Next thing I knew, Jack fell head first onto the floor, with his neck bending the other way. I had been holding Maggie, and immediately set her down to pick up Jack. He was unable to lift his head and his eyes were rolled back in his head, and he was obviously unconcious! The most terrifying moment of my life! He also had a bulging vein out of his neck - which we later learned is very common with concusions.

I immediately screamed to Christine to call 911. By the time the paramedics arrived Jack was able to hold up his head, but was still a little out of it. They checked him out, and gave us some instructions for watching him the rest of the night. He was fine.

However, being the paranoid Mama I am, I took him to the pediatrician today for a double check. And, he's completely good to go. She even commented on how advanced he is in his motor skills, she also commented on how active he is :)

We are just beyond thankful that our little man is ok. Also, thankful that our wonderful friend Christine was here to help out. Again, it was the scariest situation I have ever witnessed - especially as a Mother.

Do you think we should get him a helmet to wear at all times??? :)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

3 weeks!!!

Tomorrow Maggie will be 3 weeks old! I can't believe it! She is doing very well, her weight (which we had been worried about, because she was still below her birth weight at her 2 week checkup, when she should have been back up to birth weight) is now 7lbs, 8oz.!!! She gained 10 ounces in one week, and grew 3/4" in just one week! We are proud of our growing little lady!

Jack is doing great. He had a fun playdate this morning at our house with about 6 of his little friends. He did wonderfully, playing with them all and showing them all of his toys!

We are settling in well, as Brian is back to work full time again! It's been hard, and we miss him, but are so thankful that he at least got 2 full weeks at home with us.

We will keep you posted on everything. We hope everyone is enjoying summer!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Our first day SOLO!!!!

Today was Brian's first day back to work, after being home with us for 2 weeks. It was bittersweet. It was so hard to see him go, and all of his loving, wonderful help. But, we also knew this day was coming, and someone needs to bring home the bacon! :)
Jack woke up asking for "Daddy", as Daddy has been getting up with him in the morning, and making him breakfast, while Maggie and Mama sleep in from our long nights....
But, all went well this morning. Breakfast was a little chaotic, trying to get Jack fed, Maggie nursed and Buster fed, without any meltdowns. Needless to say, it didn't go on without any meltdowns, but we made it.

Then, we ventured to the park! It was a lot of fun, but hard for Jack to understand he couldn't drag me around as usual and have me play with him. I did have Maggie in a carrier - front pack, which made me able to have both hands free to play a little with Jack.

Then, we came home, had lunch and I actually was able to get both Jack and Maggie napping at the same time! MIRACLE! Jack didn't nap long, but Maggie did!
I tried to nap, but am still having a hard time settling down and not worrying that if I fall asleep I won't hear them if they need me. Well, I would certainly hear Maggie as she is in bed with me, but even with the monitor, I worry I won't hear Jack. This was always a constant worry for me when he was a newborn as well. I'm hoping I can get past that, because I am quite tired this afternoon. I did have a Starbucks this am. I figured I deserved a treat on my first day solo with 2 munchkins.... something I definitely CANNOT get used to!
It was very HOT today, so after naps, we just hung out at home in the A/C. Both kiddos are doing great, and we are looking forward to Daddy coming home from work soon!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Family of Four!

We are so loving being a family of 4! It has changed everything! Maggie is an amazing little baby, and Jack couldn't be a better big brother!

This past weekend, Brooke's Mom (Grandma Amy) and Grandmother (Nana Bette) came to visit us, and meet Maggie. We had a great time with them!

Jack loved having "Nana's" here - as that is what he calls them both! :)
Overall, we are settling in nicely, as a happy and busy family of four. We couldn't be more blessed or thankful for our 2 little miracles!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Marjorie Elizabeth Ann has ARRIVED!!!

Marjorie Elizabeth Ann Weeks arrived on July 2, 2009 at 4:17pm. She is gorgeous and absolutely perfect. I apologize for posting a week *gasp* after her birth, but settling in has been very tiring for all of us! :)
My labor/birth could not have gone better. I was induced on Thursday morning, starting Pitocin around 10:30 am, and was able to receive my epidural around 1:30pm. At about 3:15pm the nurse checked me, and I was only 5cm. At around, 4pm, I told Brian I felt the urge to push. He said "call the nurse!", and I said that it couldn't really be time, they had just checked me, and I was only at a 5. Right then my OB came in to check on me, and I told him about the urge to push. He checked me and said "well, I can see why, she is half way out!". I could not believe that I had gone from 5 cm to pushing in less than an hour!
The nurse and OB hurried to get the room ready for her birth. When they had broken my water earlier, they had discovered some meconium in the amniotic fluid, so for precaution, they called some nurses in from the NICU to make sure Maggie hadn't swollowed any of the meconium.
Then, it was time to push. Only 2 pushes later, and the OB told me to stop. I asked why? His response "she's out!". WOW!!!!! I couldn't believe it!
She did not cry at first, and was rushed over to the warmer with the nurses ready for her. She had to be suctioned out several times, along with a tube put down her throat to clear out any fluid in her belly :(
It was so hard to not be able to hold her right away. I was crying, Brian was crying, but out of happiness. We knew she would be fine, it was just a little scary at the moment.
After a few minutes, I was finally able to hold my little princess! She was so amazing. She looks a lot like me, but I also see a lot of Jack in her.
She came out weighing a whopping 7lbs, 3 oz, and 19" long... a bit smaller than her big brother (who came in at 9lbs, 1oz!!!).
Jack is so in love with his little sister. He loves to give her hugs and kisses, and hold her. He is very helpful in bringing things to Mama and Daddy. Overall, he is adjusting very well.
We are so proud of our new little family of 4, and hoping that the transition continues to go smoothly!
We'll keep everyone posted, and keep the pictures coming.
We love you all, and hope to see you sometime this summer, and show off our latest addition!