I could
But, rather than attempting to play catch up...
Catch up of the past 8 (8?!?!?!???!!!) months, I'll try and start from here... today... now... and hopefully fill in the gaps here & there.
I'm not making any blog posting promises... but, am really really going to try to update more often... (more often, than say 2x p/year).
Last week was the LAST week of preschool for both Jackson and Maggie. It's so hard to believe we've already come to the end of their school year. And... the end-of-preschool::hello-ELEMENTARY(???)-school-this-FALL for Jackson!!! Yep, our sweet guy officially GRADUATED (!!!) from preschool last Sunday. He had an AWESOME school year, and has grown so much! He, truly, is no longer, our little guy, rather our amazing sweet BIG GUY!!
Jackson William, approx. 3 months old young
(ok... we all know he was NEVER truly our little guy... he was an amazing sweet BIG guy from the start... Exhibit A: photo above, just in case a reminder was needed...)
Preschool Graduation
June 2, 2013
Jackson William, 5.5 years old young!
Jackson's preschool graduation was really great. It was so fun to see how excited the kiddos were, to hear them sing songs they've been practicing, and of course... receive their "graduation diplomas"! Their head teacher, Ms. Tonia had asked parents a few weeks prior to graduation to send her a photo of our "soon to be graduate", when they were just a babe... Exhibit A (above) is the one Jackson and I picked. Ms. Tonia put together a very sweet slide show, which included each graduate's photo as a babe, as well as a photo she had taken of each kiddo, during their last week of school. Amazing how much they've all grown, yet still look so much like their baby pictures. It was so fun to see not only all the baby photos, the last week of school photos, but so many GREAT photos of our kiddos having so much fun throughout the entire school year. We have really LOVED St. Matthew's Preschool, and feel so blessed to have had both kiddos attend preschool there, this past year. We couldn't have asked for a better fit for our amazing (and very different personalities!) munchkins! Next stop for Jackson: Kindergarten this fall!!!! *sigh...*
Maggie will continue at St. Matthew's this coming fall, in their Jr. Academy Program (more deets on that to come!)
Maggie's 3's Preschool class, the last week of school.
Her teacher, Ms. Cathy is truly wonderful.
Can you pick Maggs out?
She's the sweetie standing to the left (blue shirt) of Ms. Cathy.
What a bunch of cuties!!!
Maggie had a fabulous year (her FIRST year!) of preschool. She absolutely LOVED school, made great friends, adored and is adored by her teachers. She learned so much that sometimes I can't believe she'll ONLY be 4 years old in July!She has also grown SO MUCH ... especially just in the last 4-6 months. Her legs seem to be growing a mile longer every other month, and at times I find myself just in amazement over the conversations she has (both with me, with Jackson and of course, with herself, her "babies", her "animals", etc... ha!). Next stop for Maggs: Jr. Academy at St. Matthew's in the fall!!!!
We have LOTS more pictures (and so much to catch up on!!!) to share! My goal in keeping things updated around here is to try to keep things short & sweet... in hopes I won't feel completely overwhelmed and in turn... let what feels like my middle name, guide me... PROCRASTINATION!
Hope you're enjoying this amazing gorgeous sunshine... we're LOVE LOVE LOVING it! We were able to get out and plant some flowers (and carrots... we'll see how that goes... ) yesterday. Looking forward to getting out in the "garden" (we don't really have a garden, as much as a shaggy lawn... ha!) again this afternoon.
Much Love.
The Weeks