Monday, August 31, 2009

Our relaxing weekend...

Oh, what a weekend we had. Brian's parents came for the weekend for some much needed (and greatly appreciated) help with the kiddos. Brian and I were able to have a little relaxing time, and mostly I was able to catch up on some much needed (and again, incredibly grateful) sleep!
Jack and Maggie had a fabulous time with G & G Weeks.

On Saturday, we went for a long (about 3 mile) walk, with both kiddos in the Jogger. Jack walked for a while, and then got pooped!

It was so nice to have some down time... FINALLY!
Brian and I even got to go on a little date on Sunday - late morning. We went to the movies and saw "Julie and Julia". I absolutely loved it. He, of course, thought it was a chick flick, but said he enjoyed it nontheless, because he was with me.... awwwww!

Monday morning came to quickly. But, the munchkins and I had a good day. I had a doctor's appt. this morning, and they have a great daycare (through the YMCA) at the doctor's office. Jack hung out in there and played and Miss Maggie came with me. Afterwards, we went and played at the park with some friends, and then came home for naps. Overall, a very successfull day! We are hoping to continue to have nice weather for the park for a little while longer... not sure what we'll do when the rain begins... lots of home playdates!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Portland Trip...

The kids and I made our first trip, just the three of us. The ride down was great, Maggie slept almost the entire way, and Jack entertained himself with books and toys. Overall, great trip down....

We had a fabulous time seeing friends and family, but the munchkins had a difficult time adjustint to staying with Nana (my Grandmother) and not in their own beds, not to mention we were completely off our routine/schedules.

Overall, a successful trip, just not making any promises I'll be leaving Gig Harbor anytime soon with both kids alone! :)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Portland here we come...

Jack, Maggie and I (Brooke) are making a trip to Portland on Sunday, August 16th, and staying for a few days to visit family and friends, many of which have not yet met Maggie! We are excited, but honestly, I am a bit nervous about taking both kids by myself. We will be staying with Grandma Bette, and know she'll be a great help. We'll also get to see Grandma Amy on Sunday - which we are excited about.
And, of course, all of our friends that we have missed so much since making our move to Gig Harbor. I promise to take lots of pictures and post when we get home! WISH US LUCK, I think we're gonna need it!

Monday, August 10, 2009

The babes...

Today Maggie went in for her weekly check-up, due to GERD and weight gain. She gained a whopping 9 ounces in just a week, which is GREAT! She is nursing much better, and is overall a happier baby... although a bit on the fussy side.

Jack got a BIG surprise this weekend from Grandma & Grandpa Weeks... a Thomas the Train tent... he LOVES it!!!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Update on Miss Maggs...

Today Maggie went to the Pediatrician to be checked out for what we suspected was GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease), and we were correct. She has been displaying all of the symptoms (not nursing well, crying ie. screaming, irritability, arching her back, etc.). So, she was given a prescription for Prevasid. We are hoping that this will help her out.

She goes back next Monday for another weight check, as she is not gaining rapidly enough. Today she was 8lbs. even. So, she's still our tiny little angel. The Dr. did remark on how incredibly strong she is for such a little girl, holding her head up, etc.

Other than that, things are going well. I was able to get out and have a nice long walk today with both kiddos in the new jogger. They both seemed to enjoy it. The weather was nice and cool this morning, so it did us all some good to get out in the sun and fresh air.

We'll keep you posted on Maggie's diagnosis.