Monday, August 3, 2009

Update on Miss Maggs...

Today Maggie went to the Pediatrician to be checked out for what we suspected was GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease), and we were correct. She has been displaying all of the symptoms (not nursing well, crying ie. screaming, irritability, arching her back, etc.). So, she was given a prescription for Prevasid. We are hoping that this will help her out.

She goes back next Monday for another weight check, as she is not gaining rapidly enough. Today she was 8lbs. even. So, she's still our tiny little angel. The Dr. did remark on how incredibly strong she is for such a little girl, holding her head up, etc.

Other than that, things are going well. I was able to get out and have a nice long walk today with both kiddos in the new jogger. They both seemed to enjoy it. The weather was nice and cool this morning, so it did us all some good to get out in the sun and fresh air.

We'll keep you posted on Maggie's diagnosis.

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