Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Are you kidding me? NO.

Well, let's begin with last Friday afternoon, the 23rd. I (Brooke) began having what I thought was an onset of a migraine. I called Brian, finally after a couple of hours of feeling terrible, and he came home and took me to Urgent Care..... again.... ugh! I swear, we should buy stock in that place!

They gave me some IV fluids, as I was once again dehydrated, and some pain medication. Then the Dr. came in and checked me out, she thought that I definitely had a migraine coming on. But, then she also asked me of my other symptoms: sore throat, yes. headache, most definitely. coughing, yes. sneezing/runny nose, yes. nausea/vomiting, yes.
Uh Oh..... the Dr. decided to test me for H1N1..... do I have it? YES!!!! I could not believe it. So I have now been quarantined in our bedroom for the past 4 1/2 days.... NO FUN. I am also on Tamiflu for 2 more days, so I'm hoping by Friday, I'll be up and at 'em! And, that I can get out for a bit on Saturday for Halloween with the munchkins!

I, however, am so blessed and thankful to my wonderful in-laws who have been living with us since Friday to help care for the kiddos and me. And, also to my loving husband, who is working hard all day at work, coming home to babies and sick wife, and doing it all with a smile on his face.
I love you all. You have all been so wonderful and amazing throughout this yucky time.

ps. Jack's bday party is still in action, unless you hear otherwise.
PPS. NEEDLESS TO SAY, THERE WAS NO DATE FOR BRIAN AND I :(. He did go to the game with a friend and had a great time. I, on the other hand, stayed in bed, or was vomiting on the bathroom floor.... was I jealous? Y.E.S.!!!!
Warm and well wishes to all!

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