Ok, so I'm saying (errr.... typing) it outloud... I promise to not go this long AGAIN without blogging....
We really have been so busy, and unfortunately I have been sick off and on sick Christmas. :(. So ready to be on the mend.
We are all doing well TODAY :)
And, have had a fairly good end to our week, keeping busy. We have found a fun place in The Harbor called "Play a Latte", basically a fun indoor place for the kiddos to play, with the bonus of a cafe with coffee for the Mama's :). Jack loves it there, although is still uncomfortable going in the bouncy house... unless Mama goes along with him, or like the other day, it is time to go, and he decides to hold himself hostage in there.... OI VEY!
Both kiddos are doing really great!
Maggie is growing like crazy. She had to go in to be re-checked 4 weeks after her 6 month checkup because of her enormous growth spurt! She is now a whopping 15lbs, 8oz, and almost 27 inches long! She has grown so MUCH in the last 2 months or so, I would say that formula definitely agrees with her! :) On the other hand, we are still struggling with solids :(. Maggie had decided she isn't the biggest fan, and prefers to have a bottle instead. We are still trying them out every night, and although it may be frustrating for Brian and me, we know we gotta keep at it!
Jack is doing great. Also growing, and must be hitting a growth spurt, because he has been eating like a teenage boy lately :)!
He is still really enjoying his little school he goes to on Monday mornings, and we have also been trying to fit in trips to the park whenever we see the sun peaking through!
His love for trains and cars is still there like crazy, although he is beginning to really become more and more interested in puzzles, books and blocks.
He is a sweet boy and just adores his little sister, as much as she adores him. It is so fun to see them interacting together.
Brian and I are doing great. Brian is working hard, and then working harder when he comes home! He is a wonderful father and husband and loves spending time with his munchkins.
I'm staying busy with the kiddos, and loving selling Sensaria - if you haven't checked it out yet, go to my website to take a quick look - www.sensaria.com/brookeweeks
I usually host about 2 parties p/week or that is my goal! I'm loving their products and all the company has to offer for me! One of the biggest bonuses being that I'm home during the day with my LOVES!
I hope this finds everyone well. Enjoy the latest pics. And as promised above, I will begin blogging weekly again. For some reason it was put on the back burner, but we realize how much our family and friends who are not close enjoy it!
We love and miss you all!
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