Friday, April 23, 2010


Wow, it hasn't been that long since I've posted, but there seems to be lots of new things going on around our house.
As I mentioned in a previous post, Brian is still on the job hunt for something in the Portland/Vancouver area. We are patiently awaiting to hear something! He has had a few interviews, so that is great news!
I have to remember to be patient, and know that it will all happen at the right time for us!

The munchkins are doing great. I took them to Portland earlier this week for a few days, and they had a great time with their Nana Amy, and their Nana Bette! We had a very relaxing trip, and were happy to come home to see Brian and Buster! We really missed them!

Jack has been working on trying out the potty - every once in a while, and of course, specifically on his terms :) But, he's trying it out, and has even peed 2 times in it! He gets very excited, because of course, Brian and I go crazy when he goes in the potty!!!!!

Maggie is really trying to get around more, and is just sweet as pie! She still has two teeth, but is working on some more, which has been hard for her! Poor thing, teething is just the worse!

I hope this find everyone well.
And, we hope to see some of you soon.
All my Love,
Brooke and Family

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