I also got to see one of my best friends, Kara for a bit on Sunday. She is in her 3rd year of Law School at Willamette University, in Salem. So, even though she isn't far, she is B.U.S.Y.!!!! I love when she happens to be in Portland and we get to catch up, even for just an hour or two. She is such a fabulous friend, and I couldn't be more proud of her accomplishments - and look forward to her future legal career endeavors! She loved seeing Jack and Maggie, as she hadn't seen them in a while, and they absolutely LOVED her. Maggie was showing off, and Jack, of course, wanted to be Kara's best friend and chat her up non-stop! Kara is so great, she just went along with whatever the kiddos wanted. We are all lucky to have her in our lives, and hope after school, she'll be able to find a job in the area, so we'll still get to see her, and hopefully MORE! We ADORE you, Kara! xoxo
Kara and I - Best Friends for almost 12 years... wow, that makes me feel O.L.D.!!! :)
As always, the kiddos love it when Brian is home on the weekends. I seem to be chop liver to them, most of the time on the weekends when he is home. It's all about Daddy time :). Sssshh... I don't really mind it - because it gives me a HUGE break! And, I know how much they miss him during the week, and how much he misses them, as well. As you can see, they think of all sorts of ways to use Brian as a human jungle gym, and this was a game of Jack hiding underneath Brian's shirt, Maggie climbing on top of Brian, Jack not liking that very much, and escaping QUICKLY!
But, it was fun enough, to want to do it again, and again, and again... until Brian could barely move, and had to say no more jungle gym... or I may not be able to get out of bed in the morning for work... heeeeeeeeey.... maybe they thought of that (if we climb all over Daddy, and he can't walk, he'll get to stay home another day, and we can just continue the cycle of Daddy Jungle Gym, and Daddy will NEVER go back to work again)... they are pretty smart little squirts! However, little do they know their plan, wouldn't work out so well after time, as we would not have anywhere to play Daddy Jungle Gym other than the state park - where we would be living... due to lack of housing, as Daddy would not have a job.... ok, that was much to long of a story for a few pictures of the munchkins climbing all over Brian...
And, he's out... making a FAST get away...
This past week, (on Friday) we also had our first MOPS meeting. It is a nation-wide program for Mom's of Preschoolers, but any Mom can be a part of the group, whether you are expecting a baby or have a 10 year old... and it is great. This is my first year of being a part of MOPS, although, I have heard great things about it for a while now. We meet every other Friday, and the kiddos get to play in their own age appropriate classrooms, while I get a break to socialize with other Moms. There is a brunch put on each meeting and a topic that usually includes a speaker - on some type of Mothering or Parenting subject. It is a great group so far, and I know that I am really going to enjoy it, and anticipate making some new great friends. I also know that it will be wonderful for Jack and Maggie, as they will also be socializing with their peers. Here is a picture of them, after the meeting... both ready to go home, but had a GREAT time!!!!
We also had a great friend of mine, Allison and her darling daughter, Lauren come over one afternoon. Allison and I met at the Hospital Baby Group, when Jack and Lauren were probably around 6 months old..., and have always stayed in touch (she is GREAT at it, THANK YOU, Allison!!!!). We hadn't been able to coordinate schedules since our move here to get together, so when it finally happened it was so FUN! We hadn't seen eachother in over a year, and Lauren had grown so much and she and Jack had a FABULOUS time together. Their two little personalities really meshed well, and they had fun chasing eachother, playing hide and seek, and of course, playing with lots of toys. I loved catching up with Allison, and hope we can get together on a regular basis. They are two fun girls (Allison and Lauren, that is :p)!!!!
Jack and Lauren after running, jumping, chasing, and non stop playing - are resting for a bit with a quick clip of a show... they really do like eachother, this is just a silly picture of Jack zoned out... :) And, seriously, could Lauren not be any cuter??????????
Jack, being a "pirate", however, he is now no longer a pirate; therefore I recommend not discussing or bringing up him being a pirate at one time. He will tell you he is not a pirate, and it may not be in a kind voice... just a warning...
Our week was busy last week, but so fun! As mentioned above, we got to see a great friends, as well as, taking late morning/early afternoon to head OMSI with my good friend, Makenzy and her two munchkins, James and Frankie. The kids all had a GREAT time, and we could have stayed for hours!!! Perfect entertainment for a cold or rainy day, and Maggie enjoyed it just as much as Jack. Jack was playing so much, it was hard to get any pictures of him! Maggie was too, but she isn't quite as quick as her brother... yet....
So, I think there will be many OMSI visits this fall in winter in store for us... c'mon how can you not resist Maggie dressed up as a racoon? :)
Maggie LOVED this AWESOME air/ball game. There was air coming out of the cone, so you could put a ball on top of it, and it would stay there, and just spin.... she absolutely was in awe of it, and probably would have been content playing with it the entire time we were there, but we had to jet off to find Jack... again, he was a FAST one that day! :)
She also enjoyed all of the mirrors and checking herself out... what can I say, she is my daughter... :p
Having so much fun, but definitely needed to stop and have a little snack! AND, you won't believe this, as you all know Jack, he was having so much fun - not even the mention of snack or lunch could stop the boy! :)
And, he is TUCKERED out... lazy morning after a few days of non-stop, on the go, F.U.N.!!!!
Hoping for a great week ahead... we hear that tomorrow is supposed to be nice, and if so, definitely plan on taking advantage of what could be one of our last nice days for a while - and will probably head to the park! We wish you all a wonderful week ahead, and look forward to hearing how everyone is doing! We'll keep you posted on our outings, or lack thereof...
And for all the Mama's and Daddy's out there, if needed this week, READ THIS below, and you'll remember why you fed one child, but forgot the other, forgot to let the dog out until lunch time.... somehow, looking at this will make you feel better! It will, hopefully remind you that you aren't exhibiting the early onset of Alzheimer's, it's the munchkins... Oh, yes, remember the munchkins!!!!!
And, of course, if that fails you... this always works for me, time and time again...
Love to you all,
Brooke and Crew
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