Seeing Friends, Baking and... working on potty training... The latter, I would say is all of our least favorites, but we are all trying to have a positive attitude about it (well, most of us...) and we hope that Jack will soon be an underwear lovin' and wearin' boy!!!
Jack with Justin! Again, really loved having them here! And, most of all... friends to play with ... and of course, entertain!!!
Sweet Baby Allison and her Daddy, Justin
Both Jack and Maggie wanted to be right next to me while I was holding Baby Allison. They were so sweet with her. Very gentle and careful. They loved touching her sweet little face, and especially loved it when she opened her eyes. Jack had a million questions about her... and just thought "she was sooo sooo cute!"
Maggie also seemed to adore her. Being so gentle and loving. Maggie was very interested in Allison's gorgeous hair, and even kept trying to kiss her. But, everytime she would get close to kissing Baby Allison, she seemed to get scared and chicken out! :)
We have a lot of friends who have had babies in the past several months, so they are really getting some baby time, and learning to be gentle when they are showing their love!
Miss Allison James Coffee
They were so interested in her every move, and especially when she opened her sweet little eyes! Jack even asked me if he could help change her diaper!!! Now, I find that kinda funny... considering he isn't potty trained... and is still in diapers (more on that later...)... so I wish/wonder if he would consider changing his own diapers? No, don't think so... but, maybe it could be a motivator for using the potty???Thanks so much to Justin and Heather for making the trek out our way to let us meet your beauty! We had such a great time with you 3, and hope to see you all soon!!!
Today I let Jackson choose something fun to do... I just asked him "what is something fun you'd like to do today?"...
...and of all the things we could have done (played outside for a while - as it was sunny, although a bit chilly -, go for a walk to the park, maybe go to the Children's Museum, go to Jump it Up - bouncy house place, etc.), he chose to make cupcakes!
As you can see not only did he enjoy making the cupcakes... he enjoyed tasting the batter, the icing, the tiny sprinkles all along the way!
HA!!! But, we had so much fun. He loves to bake, and is really fun to have as my little assistant. Today we baked some cupcakes, and put them in silicone "pots" - then decorated them with frosting and sprinkles. The idea was that the pots were flower pots, the chocolate cupcake was the "dirt", and the frosting and sprinkles were the "flowers"... he had a blast!!! Not only with the decorating, but the whole thing! He was so helpful in making the cupcakes and frosting. He loved pouring everything into the mixing bowls, and mixing! He even cracked some eggs for me (yes, I did have to pull out a few shells...), but he did AWESOME!
(excuse the photography in these next set of photos... they were taken with my phone... - but, still show J's hard work and fun!!!)
Having such a great time!
And, can you tell, once again... much tasting was involved? :)
Perfect with every little detail!
They looked wonderful!
He was so proud... we took some over to his "friends" - our neighbors - and he was so excited to tell them that HE MADE them some special treats!
Again, way to go, Jackson.
You make Mama so happy and proud!!!
Not only with your sweet and loving nature, but your generosity.
(He didn't even eat a cupcake... he decorated them all... and although he did taste much of them along the way, we had told him he could have one after dinner... and he never asked for one. I'm sure he'll have one tomorrow!)
Maggie also did a GREAT job "cooking/baking"...
And, in this last picture, it looks like maybe she tasted some of her "cooking"...??? :)
Apparently sitting on and learning to use the potty is nothing but pure torture.
We're sorry, Jackson. But, we hope that in the long run, you'll see that it was worth it.
Going to college in diapers is not cool... we know you think it is now... but, it won't be in 15 years... just trust us on this one...
He doesn't want to stop playing to use the potty, he doesn't want to take time away and deal with going to the bathroom and using the potty, and he is very strong willed. He definitely lets us know if he does not want to do something, and he does NOT want to learn to use the potty! But, today, he did give it an honest try... and he did pee on the potty, so we were very proud of our guy... and hope that he will continue to see how much better life is without a diaper!!! I know I will! :)Again, how could we subject him to this?
Well, I can understand him not wanting me posting these... but, while he is 3 ~ I can still do this... and maybe will continue until he is potty trained...
I'm not above a tiny bit of embarrassment to get things going (yes, pun intended)...
No, really though... he was a good sport for most of the afternoon in regards to the potty, and we are incredibly proud of him. I promise to not have numerous potty photos... or any "detailed" potty photos... but, wanted you all to know, we are proud of our guy, and really hope he can see what a big boy he is!
Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead... and hope you enjoyed your weekend.
Lots of Love.
The Weeks. xoxo
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