Monday, May 2, 2011

To Celebrate or To Mourn? What are your thoughts?

To Celebrate or to Mourn? That is the question I have been asking myself, and I honestly do not know the answer... and I'm unsure that I will.

Upon hearing the news last night, of Osama bin Laden's death, I felt filled with incredibly mixed emotions.
Brian and I talked about how we each felt about it... yet, I kept coming back to the same thought "I am supposed to be celebrating someone's death, correct? I am a Proud American, and that is what Proud Americans do, right? I should be so happy that he is finally dead, shouldn't I? I know that many of those directly affected by the devastation of 9/11 are cheering tonight, so I should be as well, in support of them?"... 

So, as you read my feelings, you can see I was very conflicted. I think we each know someone, in some way that was directly affected by the 9/11 tragedy. I think most of us would say, upon hearing President Obama's speech last night, that, yes, indeed justice had been found... sort.of.
Needless to say, I just couldn't express or find the correct words for my mixed emotions in regards to how I was feeling. 

However, I was blessed to have found a blog post, that I believe, somehow and someway has put all of the different thoughts and emotions in my head into an eloquent and truly honest piece of writing. Kari, who is the author of this blog is a friend of an acquaintance (we'll call her "D" for the sake of privacy), of mine. D is who Kari is referring to when she writes about seeing so many different views on Facebook, and then came across the "status on Facebook of a friend who lost a loved one". This is something I never knew of D. I have "known" her for over 3 years, and although we are truly just acquaintances, I am "friends" with her on Facebook, and we have kept in touch over the years, since our initial times spent around on another. I do not know her well, but she also writes a beautiful blog, and has shared her biggest life's struggles for all to read. Yet, I still never knew that she had been so directly devastated by the horrific acts of 9/11. 
I have always thought of her as an incredibly strong, 1/2 glass full, outgoing, and peaceful woman. This knowledge that I now have of D, along with many things that I know she and her family have been through, prove this all the more to me.
I hope she did feel Justice last night. I hope she felt at peace. I hope she felt happy, but I know she also probably felt a bit unsure of how she should feel... just like many of us. I wish her all the best in this crazy thing called life. I wish her nothing but happiness, as she is one that within minutes of meeting her... you know... she deserves all the happiness in the world - as she gives it out so freely.

I found myself reading this piece (in the blog) several times today. And, it has stuck with me more than anything else I have read in regards to this evil man's death. 
I encourage you to take 5 minutes, and read Kari's post. And, then if you have more than 5 minutes, go on to read more of her blog. She is truly inspiring in her thoughts and the way in which she is able to put them into words, creating amazing works of writing.
I hope her writing speaks to you, as much as it did to me. Or, if anything... gives you insight in to why others may feel conflicted, like I, myself feel.

After reading, I would love it if you have a second to leave a comment, letting us know your thoughts and opinions... in regards to not only the blog post, but the entire situation. There are so many differing opinions, and I think for all of us to really hear and listen to eachother - helps in trying to digest and understand all of this, and the entire big picture of what is happening in our world. 

All my Love,

ps. Thank you in advance for reading my ramblings... I have something fun to share with you in the next week or so... but, it's still in progress, so we'll all (including me!) will have to wait to share! :)


  1. I agree that what happened to Osama Bin Laden is justice, but I also wonder how much difference it will really make or if there will just be someone below him ready to step up into his place? I guess I don't really know how to feel about it either. Certainly not sad that's he gone though...
    Btw, the blog looks great! xoxo

  2. Hi Brooke, it's an honor to meet you! And what a beautiful friend we have in common! Love her so. Thank you so much for your kind words, encouragement, and for linking up to my post--it's always fun when we can do these things together. It helps so much to read each other's words, that often articulate what we ourselves are thinking. Stay in touch--love your cuties, they're darling!


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