I think our last name should be "BUSY WEEKS", instead of just Weeks. :)
Seems that it would be fitting for our family! :)
Last weekend, we made the trek to Yakima, WA to celebrate our niece Michelle's Graduation from High School, as well as our other niece (and sister to Michelle) Ashley's 15th Birthday. It was a fast, but REALLY fun trip. Both Jack and Maggie LOVE being with their Aunt, Uncle and ESPECIALLY their cousins. And... of course, Nana and Papa. They both did AWESOME during Michelle's Graduation Ceremony. It was fairly short (thankfully for us, and our munchkins!), but Jack loved it... and Maggie LOVED sitting on Nana's lap.
WARNING: there are many many many pictures ...
beware ... especially of the uber cuteness that is (at most times) referred to as
The Weeks Munchkins!
Enjoying the Graduation, and being such a good girl ~ snuggling with Nana
After the Graduation, we had a great time celebrating Michelle's big accomplishment, as well as Ashley's birthday with a big BBQ at Brian's brother and sister-in-law's home.
It was a great day!
Having a great time at the BBQ after the Ceremony...
and especially loving sitting and eating with Daddy!
Our silly guy... enjoying his yummy lunch!
How many silly faces can one boy make???
I think we've lost count! :p
l.o.v.e. x2
our little lady
Happy 15th Birthday, Ashley!
(our super cute niece, who needs to stop growing up... she has braces AND a boyfriend... !!!!)
Congratulations Michelle! What a great accomplishment! We are all so very proud of you!!!
(ps. banner made by yours truly :p)
Maggie loves her Papa!
I'm pretty sure Papa loves her just as much back!
uh oh... the two look like they're on a mission... heading towards eachother... probably making secret plans for staying up all night later... :)
Chris, our nephew... who seems to NEVER stop growing!!!
Birthday Girl!
Graduation Girl!
Proud Grandparents!
Watching two of their Granddaughters on such special days for each of them, in different ways!
Brian with Ashley!
She looks just as excited as he is, doesn't she? :p
Maggie with Cousin Michelle... AKA: the official helper of all gift opening...
Maggs back with her Nana....
she loved having lots of snuggles and cuddles with Nana.
back to helping open gifts...
mmmm.... cake... x2!
The Graduate and her Dad (Brian's brother, Jeff)
Proud Mama and Daddy of the Graduate!
Very Proud Grandparents of the Graduate!
We stayed in a hotel in Yakima... and it was the first time for Jack and Maggie (staying in a hotel, and going to Yakima!). Brian and I were both extremely a bit worried how things would go... and we were SHOCKED very proud that the kiddos did fabulous! They were both so exhausted... after such a fun and busy day.
Jack and Brian went swimming, but little Miss Maggs... was ready to hit the hay... so after a bath, and some cuddling with me... she was OUT!
Jack also did great hitting the hay! :) He loved sleeping in a "big" bed... and told Brian on the way home, that he would like a "big bed" like at the hotel, for his room, at home.... ha!
Jack has also been doing so well using the potty... and beginning to tell us when he has to go!
This week, he earned a trip to the toy store with Daddy (they are going tomorrow night...) for his exceptional potty skills... :)
(i can't help but giggle over that... because what else do you call it, besides "potty skills"?). Jack is really excited, and Brian and I are both really proud of our little guy!
Not only did we have a fun weekend... we've had a fun week. I can't believe tomorrow is already Friday! This week has flown by!!!
Today I took our monkeys to.... the zoo!!!
Jack and Maggie (and I!) had so.much.fun.!!!! Unfortunately, Brian couldn't come with us... darn it, that place he goes to every weekday called work really gets in the way of us all having fun together! :)
Jack has already planned a trip back, with us bringing Daddy along... so he (Jack) and Maggie can show Daddy all around "their zoo" and introduce Daddy to their new friends (all of the animals)!
ok, 2nd Warning: MANY PICTURES ahead!!!!
It was not only a fun day, but the weather was absolutely perfect! We are really hoping that summer is finally here... and to stay!!!!
They do really love eachother...
Jack was so great about watching Maggie when she wanted to walk (rather than cruise in the stroller...). If he didn't see her, he would come running to me, saying "Mama, where's Maggie? I don't see her... where is she?"...
Does a GREAT job at his BIG BROTHER role... most of the time...:p
The Munchkins and a friend...
who isn't wanting to get too close to the Weeks Monkeys :)
Farm Time...
Maggie checking out all of the animals on the "farm"
I did at some points, get a bit worried about Maggie being a little too brave... and sticking her fingers through the "gates"... she seemed to be fairly fearless of the "farm animals"...
Seriously CUTE!!! I don't think they can get any cuter!!!!
Ok, maybe they will surprise me tomorrow. :)
Yes, all of the above pictures ARE indeed different pictures... even though they all look exactly the same... just all too cute not to share! :)
(note: goldfish smooshed on the ground in front of the munchkins may or may NOT have been a culprit of one of the Weeks' monkeys...)
Maggie REALLY checking out the Polar Bears and Penguins...
When she and Jack saw the Penguins, they both said "Happy Feet"... ha! :)
BIG Polar Bear!!!
Jack said, when he grows up just a little more... he'll be as tall as the bears at the zoo! :)
Maggie in awe of the monkeys swinging all over the place!
It was so cute... after taking this picture, the Mama Elephant and the baby went all the way into the water for a "bath", and the Mama was really washing her baby... so cute!
J & M were both very impressed!
(ps. yes... I did "edit" out some "yuckies" - as Magg's would call it... that was in the above picture with the elephants.... it was TOO LARGE to keep in the photo... blech!!!)
Yep, riding on an elephant...
Having fun playing with the "pretend" animals. J made sure to keep telling M that the animals were NOT real, that they were just pretend.
Riding on a Hipo, can make a girl a little sleepy...
until... enter big brother...
The photos below are some of my absolute FAVORITES!
Maggie was "feeding" the elephant (barkchips that is...), but was having so much fun! It was really really sweet and beyond cute... especially listening to her adorable non-stop giggles!
Little mouse... Maggie and the Statue... :)
who's bigger? hmmm... they look about the same size!
although her eyes are partially shut... I love this picture ... she looks like she's thinking...
BONGO DRUMS... they both LOVED the drums!!!
More "pretend animals" to love...
now, it's time to check out some REAL animals...
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