Sunday, April 8, 2012

What a Whirlwind....

We have had a crazy whirlwind of the past 8++ weeks!!!
Some of it, I'm sure know I don't even remember... but, looking back, although it seemed like the worse I could ever feel (at that moment)... and the most difficult time (somewhat continues to be... as things are truly day to day ...) for our family, with reflection... I know that there has been so much more gained positively than lost. No doubt, we will endure MUCH more hardships, and experience much deeper pain... but, I do hope that in some way this entire experience, has helped prepare us for any struggles (that inevitably may come) in the future. 
Reflection, as well, on the mere fact that, although things are still hard and each day still seems to be a bit trying - we're getting used to everything being different around here.
Thankfully, we always have last week to reflect upon... and (for the most part) the current week (even if small) tends to feel better, filled with more knowledge on how (even though small) changes in our daily lives will work, than the week prior. 
Giving us all hope...  that the coming week/s will be filled with even more progress towards the positive... With the goal being, we will look back on this time and remember it, as nothing more than a time in which we learned how to work with my health & my body in the way it needs to be treated in order to live my (in turn, OUR) best life/lives!
With that said... we have so 
MANY Thanks, Gratitude and Thanks:
·        FINALLY, after what has felt like a lifetime, but really only approximately 2++ years, Brooke has received a REAL, CONCRETE, EVIDENCE- based (as in blood work that actually connects with my symptoms!) Diagnosis of "Adrenal Insufficiency", as well as "Low Functioning Pituitary Gland". Also, called by some “Secondary Addison’s Disease”.

     To make a VERY LONG STORY, short... I have been experiencing many symptoms that were affecting not only my life, but also Brian's, Jackson's and Maggie's (and the rest of our family and friends). 
     All seemed to escalate more and with more intensity... when finally (approx. 2 + months ago), my Dr. referred me to the Hospital (after an incredibly "trying" day), for treatment of "Addisonian Crisis"... what she believed my body was going through at the time. Indeed, she was correct. 
     Sadly, most of those affected with this rare auto-immune disease, are properly diagnosed until their bodies do go into such a "crisis" (which, to find out later, can be fatal... yes... scary!). After, initial treatment, my Dr's began doing much more in depth testing of hormones, that should be taking care of things that one needs to function normally on a day to day basis.

     (FYI, for more info. and MUCH better explanation of what this all means, if interested can be found here Very informative, clear and to the point).
·        Hearing that my MRI didn't show any tumors or growths on my Pituitary Gland at this time... my Endocrinologist doesn't feel a need to repeat the MRI for at least a year!!!!! YAY! (in all reality, I was so nervous about the actual MRI procedure, but did fine, sans any drugs... just some "relaxing music" via headphones provided & it was actually relaxing... fyi: I never opened my eyes inside of the tube... as my feelings may be MUCH different, had I opened an eyeball!).
·        Although still working through the process of learning to listen to my body, and truly understand what this illness (that currently has no cure, but if cared for properly, one can live a completely normal, uncomplicated life!) is all about… knowing that there is a medication (Hydrocortisone) that I can take to replace the Cortisol that is missing and/or non existent in my body. 
·        My FAMILY!!!! This is HUGE! As the past 8+ weeks, I have been solely relying on them to do EVERYTHING ... everything for me, for Jack and Maggie, for our home, etc.!!!! Brian, for all he does for me and our family. Working so hard at “work”, and then coming home to work so hard at home too.
·        Brian’s neverending patience with me.
·        Brian’s unconditional love and support for me, and making sure I always know that those things will never change.
·        Brian waking me up every morning, to make sure that I take my medications at the same time daily, and bringing me something to drink and eat with them.
·        Brian getting up each and every morning (for far too long) with the munchkins.
 Brian, I love all that you do for me, and our family. I don't think the two words "Thank You" will ever be enough!

·        My amazing in-laws. My amazing in-laws who have been comin to our house every day (since the beginning of March!) before Brian leaves for work, and staying most nights until after dinner. I honestly, am not sure what or where we would be without them. Again, the words "Thank You", will never ever be enough for all they have done.
·        In-laws (aka: Mom and Dad) never ending patience with me and the kids.
·        M & D making sure I’m on time with medications, food, fluids, etc.
·        M & D (in the most kind and caring way), pushing me farther than I want to go (at times) - but in my heart knowing that they are doing it because they love me and want nothing more than for me to gain strength back, and return to living the active and fun lifestyle, I so desperately want. (layin' in bed all day, having a pity party for 1, isn't gonna get me anywhere, that's for sure!)
·        M & D shuffling me to Dr. appt., after Dr. appt., after Dr. appt.
·        Their unconditional love for Jackson and Maggie.
·        Both Nana and Papa (J & M’s “names” for M & D) taking each kiddo on special dates
·        Nana and Papa surprising the kiddos frequently with new crafts, games, toys, and learning books.
·        Loving me for me, and all that comes along with me… the BAD and good.
·        Their unconditional support for our family
·        Them, Their Love, Their Wisdom, Their Support, and Their words telling us “we’re here when you need us”… and they have shown their words to be the truth.
·        Jackon and Maggie
·        Both having a hard time with not having as much time with Mommy as usual, but being amazingly empathetic, loving, caring and understanding.
·        Making up new fun routines for when I’m too dizzy/shakey to play… like snuggling in bed reading books, Pottery Barn magazines, etc. HA!!!
·        Watching J & M enjoying each and every moment with Nana and Papa.
·        Mom and Dad taking Jackson and Maggie to go visit Great Grandma and Uncle Bruce and Aunt Karin
·        Loving friends
·        My amazing MOPS group… not only providing meals for our family for 2 straight weeks! My fabulous small group, delivering me the most thoughtful and generous gift basket, I could ever imagine. Filled with so many lovely, thoughtful, generous and wonderful goodies... I am still feeling pampered with all of the goodies! Thank you, to each of my Purple Table Girlfriends! You definitely know how to make a Mama feel good, when she doesn't think it possible. I am so blessed to call them my FRIENDS!
·        Having my Grandmother (Nana Bette to the kiddos, Grandma Bette to me J) coming to visit. So good to give her a BIG hug!!!!
·        Receiving so much support via emails, phone calls, texts, cards and even Facebook. All of the kind words written, have been so supportive and encouraging!!!
·        Receiving the most beautiful and kind cards from friends and family.
·        Friends, Friends, Friends!!!! Friends calling to see how things are going, emailing, texting, calling and stopping by to cure my constant feeling of going stir crazy!!! 
·        My GREAT Motherwise Bible Study Group, providing a wonderful meal for our family, along with lots of support and encouragement - and most importantly LOTS of prayers!
·        Our church, Vancouver First United Methodist for keeping us all in their prayers, as well as preparing meals for our family. 

     Again, Thank You... just doesn't seem like enough. 
There is definitely no way I can truly express our Gratitude for all of the support, kind thoughts, and prayers. I hope someday when those who have been such a HUGE support for us, may need it, we can give back all we have been given, with Grace!

Okay… enough about all of the LOVE for me…..
·        Jackson and Maggie disliking the rain because it means less playing outside, but being so intrigued by the rain… and watching it help “feed” all of the trees, grass and flowers.
·        There LOVE for all of the daffodils popping up all over our yard!
·        Jack and Maggs turning into little craft junkies! Like Mama - like kiddos!
·        Jack and Papa playing “dot to dot” (alphabet game pre-nap) special game together
·        Papa getting both kiddos new US Map placemats, and Jack quickly learning all of the States names…
·        Jack asking me one afternoon, “Mama, can Papa drive me to North Dakota after nap today…” 
·        Maggie’s giggles… non stop… most of the time we (and possibly she) isn’t even sure what she is giggling about
·        Snuggles with both munchkins - and trying to take in as many as they are willing to slow down to give!
·        Listening to Jackson and Maggie sing “Thank you Father” before each meal… Jack (who learned it at school, as they sing it prior to snack time... ie. Saying Grace).... teaching it to Maggie, who quickly learned all of the words, and sings along now. AND... if Jackson is at school for lunch, Maggie happily sings "Thank you Father", solo, and is fabulous!
·        Asking Maggie, “can you tell us your full name?”. Maggie’s  quick response, “Sweetheart”…. HA, HA, HA!!!!! When asked again, after joining in the laughter… she correctly said “Mawjowie Wizabef Anna Weeks” (aka: Marjorie Elizabeth Ann Weeks”.

There is so so so much more … and I realize it’s been far too long since I have posted. I’m hopeful after we can figure out the correct medication dosaging/times, etc. I will be able to blog a bit more… but, mostly I cannot wait to have MUCH more strength to spend time with my Family and Friends who I love so very much.
Lastly, we hope you all had a wonderful Easter! We had the MOST FABULOUS day.... filled with love, family, friends, worship and celebrating Him and all He has given us to live each day the very best we can!

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