Saturday, August 21, 2010


Seaside, OR ... we made it, with very little crying, fussing, whining, or screaming coming from the back seat... which was WONDERFUL! This was Maggie's first car ride with her car seat facing forward, and we think she is a BIG FAN of it. She even fell asleep on the way there, and home... which is unheard of for this little lady. She would never fall asleep in the car before, so let's hope this is the trick, and we can begin taking trips longer than 5 minutes in the car, before the screaming begins!

Pure Bliss for all in the car!

Maggie's pure look of excitement at the beach & ocean! It was her first time going to the beach, and seemed to enjoy every minute of it!

Jack had been to the beach before, but as a little guy. He was a bit unsure of the sand at first, but then LOVED it. He is definitely a beachy kinda guy!

Maggie feelin' out the sand... unsure at this moment, but not for long... :)

Jack and Daddy coming back from the water... Jack was a bit hesitant about putting his feet in the water, and when he did, wasn't the biggest fan... but, we think with more trips to the ocean, he'll start to see how fun it can be!

Lots of playing in the sand... and a few "castles" built... ie. hills o' sand... , but never were up long enough for a picture, before the fun of smashing them down came!

Really happy boy at the beach! He had so much fun! Definitely seems to be one of his favorite traveling adventures thus far!

Mommy & Maggie ... braving the wind!

Daddy and Maggie! Such cuties!!!

Beach BABE!

Beach STUD!

Windy... but, still enjoying sandy animal crackers! :)

Sharing animal crackers... had to get a picture of this... as it is a rare moment...

Such a happy girl playing with her toys!

And, of course, no beach trip would be complete without ICE CREAM!

PLEEEEASE, can I have some... yes, you can Maggie. She tried some of mine, and LOVED it, but after a few bites, was done.

In the car, heading home... Maggie does not want to hear or talk about going home... the beach is too much fun!

Home, Bath, Pajamas, Book, Milk, B.E.D.! What a great day we had!!!

We all had a wonderful day... it was so nice to get away for the day, and enjoy the gorgeous ocean, and all of the fun Seaside has to offer! Both munchkins had the best time, and were so great... no naps, besides in the car, and there didn't seem to be any significant meltdowns. I think this mini trip really helped prove to Brian and I that we can take longer trips, and the kids are up for it... and LOVE it! Let's hope the trend continues...

ps. Note: not as many pics of Jack, as he is still in his "DO NOT TAKE MY PICTURE" stage... I'm really hoping that passes soon! :p

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