Friday, August 13, 2010

Let's get this weekend started!

We had a fairly uneventful, yet some what eventful week - does that make sense? No? I know...
The beginning of the week started out really overcast, cloudy and COLD! And, ended sunny, hot and FUN! We really enjoy the days that include sun, so we can get outside!!!

I went in for a physical this week with a new Dr., and due to various symptoms, and testing that was done, they are suspecting that I have an allergen to Gluten. I had no idea! I have always suffered stomach aches, but never thought of Gluten. Gluten can also cause headaches/migraines, weight loss, severe tummy aches, etc. (I'll spare you the gory details). So, I am now on a Gluten Free Diet. She thinks I could potentially have Celiac's Disease, which is just a severe allergen to Gluten, but rather than doing more invasive testing, would like me to try going Gluten Free for a while, and see if that helps with symptoms, and then go back in for some more testing. NOT FUN! But, somewhat relieving to know that some of my stomach issues (especially!!!) may go away if I stay Gluten Free. However, this is much easier said & read than done! Gluten is in any type of wheat, rye, barley and oats. However, some people can tolerate oats... but, for now, none of that for me.
I'll keep you posted and see how it goes!

Another piece of news... we have decided that Jack will go to a little Preschool beginning in November. He has to be 3, so he'll begin in November! He is so excited. We visited this week, and he can't stop talking about it. He tells everyone he sees how he'll be going to "Sweet Peas" (his preschool's name) when he turns 3! I'm glad that he is excited and he feels happy and comfortable there. He'll be going two mornings a week. This will be great for him to be socializing with other 3 year olds.

As well as for Maggie and I to have some time to ourselves, and maybe find an activity for us! I always feel like she is getting forgotten :(. She is the happiest baby though, so I must remember, that she is loving life, and everything that entales. Even if it's a push over by her big brother once in a while.

That is it for us... WAHOO for the weekend!!!! Can't wait to have a little down time, hopefully some time to work in the yard, seeing my fabulous friend Kara, and maybe a little trip to Ikea... yes, I did once DESPISE Ikea, but it is slowly growing on me... and well, I haven't been there in a really long time. I did set specific rules as to where and what I will look at. :)
Tomorrow is an experiment, it could be my last trip to Ikea, or the beginning of a new true love :)

Here are some fun pictures from this week...
OH, I have been in crafting mode, as well. The info. on that is to come... I have before pics, but want to wait until I'm done (don't give me a timeline :p), and then I'll show you what I have been up to while the munchkins are napping :)

Yes that is a chip on her chin ... she has decided she like tortilla chips... :)

Jack enjoying dinner!

My two favorite guys!!!

Such a big girl... FYI: I LOVE the stool she is sitting on, & it's from none other than... IKEA!

Hanging out, watching Mama water the plants/flowers...

Silly Morning Boy!

VERY Happy Morning Girl!

Checking out Sweet Peas indoor play fun... yes, that's Jack in there, if you can find him among all of the balls... :)

Maggie opted out of the ballpit fun, and instead had fun with some little balls on the mats... I think she made a good choice!

Summer is FUN!

YES to ice cream cones!

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