Monday, February 7, 2011

Lots of pictures, Lots of fun, Lots of crazy busy days!!!

(this was meant to be posted last night... but, it was getting past midnight, and I decided to try to finish it up today... errr... this evening... so there are many more pictures to come this week!)

We've had yet another incredibly crazy busy week. Fun, yes... for the most part. Overwhelming and a bit stressful, Y.E.S.!!! But, yet another week is ahead and just as busy, so we are gearing up and getting ready to ... GO!!!
I have so much that I could write type tell, but this post would be far too long... so I hope you all enjoy the photos... and see what fun our two gorgeous munchkins had this week!
ps. Yes, we did get a new little "kitchen", that I am so proud of! Super duper GREAT Craigslist find. It's, obviously, not really a play kitchen, yet it was titled "shabby chic children's hutch", but I have big big BIG plans for this little guy! For now... it is the kitchen it is... but, I do have some plans to make it an amazing kiddo kitchen! :)
pps. we finally set up the cute cardboard (yes, i paid for cardboard) lemonade/concession stand that i got for the kids over a month ago. these puppies are usually $49.99!!! yes, what the heck is up with that? that is where i do draw the line... i will NOT pay $50 for a cardboard ANYTHING... but, this was a fun steal for $4.99 after Christmas, and decided it would be fun for all of our lovely rainy days we have. and, i have a vision of it being planted on the deck this summer!
ppps. Maggie went pee on the potty before bath tonight...yes, you read that correctly. WOOT for Maggs. Not sure she really got it, but I sat her on the froggie (potty) before she hopped in the tub, and she went. I was shocked!!! HA! I was also super excited and proud of her... she was too cute, in clapping and squealing, after I started... again, not sure if she knew what she was clapping or squealing about, but it was fun! Hopefully Jack will catch on and think it'd be a good idea to be potty trained BEFORE his baby sister!

 Maggs making some "breakfast"

"Hmmm... who can I call to come over for breakfast?"

Must've made a good breakfast, Jack looks full! :)
The "store"/"stand"/"house" is so much fun!!!

Hmmm... Frog?
Such a lady...
I went...
PEE!!! (sorry TMI... but, we were excited... even if it is a fluke!)
All cozy and ready for bed!
She needs one more animal to cuddle before going to bed. Lambie is her favorite, but then just about any stuffed animal will do!
Gotta tell Daddy and Jack "night night"

The Weeks' Munchkin's New Kitchen...
(ps. it is in the process of a remodel... so excuse the mess...)
I am pretty proud of the "find"... it is somewhat "shabby chic" as the ad said, and a hutch? Hmmmm... I guess. But, like I said, I have visions for this beauty... big big BIG visions and soon (hopefully) it will resemble something similar to what would be in a Pottery Barn Kids/Shabby Chic/Awesome Kids Kitchen catalog!!! Just sayin'... I do have plans, not sure when they'll come to fruition.
pps. I did make this darling "hand/dish towel"... Jack said it was a blanket for his food. Perfect!
I think we need to have a patent!
Now... we had a great weekend. We saw friends, spent a lot of time playing as a family, etc. And, I have a ton of adorable and fun pictures... so why the randomness of these last pictures? Because I guess I'm sort of lazy... and they are sort of fun pictures, and I don't have to say much about them. With AMAZINGLY CUTE pictures, there is just so much more to say... these, well, are... hmmm.... just, fun?
Jack's Foot... photo taken upon request.
Valentine's Day is almost here... lemons for Valentine's Day? No. But, they were there, and again the laziness took over, and moving them would have been an issue.
Our sweet Jack on his 2nd Valentines Day (he was almost 15 months old when these pics were taken)... and I've had them up in every house we've lived in since having them done... but this house there isn't room... so I did put them up for Valentine's ... and I think I'm going to HAVE to find a place for them... as I adore them every time I walk by and see them... oh so cute!!!!
We have a gigantic wall in our kitchen that extends into the playroom... and I have had so many different pictures, paintings, photographs, etc. and nothing is working for me...
Does anyone know much about temporary wallpaper? If so, pls. contact me. Again, this wall is screaming for help!
BLAH!!! This WALL!!! (that is what I think each time I walk by and look at it... which is about 50 thousand times a day... that is a lot of blah'ing around all day... so again... H.E.L.P.!!!!)

I promise the next post will be more ...
more somethin'!

1 comment:

  1. Love, love, love the update and the pictures! Woo Hoo for Magg's! Way to go babygirl! Glad you are having a great week and the wall looks great (better than any wall I could put together).

    Love and Kisses...

    PS: I think you should patent the is so adorable!


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