Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Toys or Washing Dishes??? Washing Dishes!?!?

After returning home Sunday afternoon, and getting somewhat unpacked... Monday morning came quick! We had planned on going to Gymboree, as we usually do on Mondays... but, Maggie slept until 11am!!! And, although Jack was up earlier than that, he didn't seem to want to go anywhere. I guess it goes to show that kiddos need a little down time too! It was fine with me (as Gymboree has a wonderful policy - if you miss a class for whatever reason, you are welcome to join another class whenever it fits your schedule, free of charge), and, like most Mondays, I had a ton of stuff to get done around the house, and, of course, play with the munchkins and help them enjoy their new Christmas toys...

Little did I know that while I was quickly unpacking Maggie's suitcase from our trip, Jack had decided to do some dishes for me! :) I came into the kitchen to find that he had pushed his little blue chair up to the sink, turned on the cold (THANK GOODNESS!!!) water and was washing Maggie's cup (AGAIN, Thank Goodness it was the only thing in the sink, and there wasn't anything breakable or sharp!!!)... it was actually quite funny and sweet to see. I did let him know that he needs to ask to do this, as there could be something in the sink that could get broken and cut him, or something in the sink that is sharp and could (again) cut him.

He listened very carefully - and then said, "Mama, can I keep doing dishes if I'm safe?". How could I say no??? He had sooooo much fun! I did give him more to "wash" than just Maggie's cup, and soon all kiddo dishes, silverware and tupperware were in the sink, and Jack was a washing machine! :)

He had so much fun, and woke up from his nap that afternoon asking to wash dishes, and has asked at least 2x a day, everyday since Monday!

I love that he had such a great time, and really found something he thought would be fun to do all on his own... but, even after mid-way through, putting an apron on him, he was soaked, the counters were dripping water, and the floor was one big giant puddle!!!
Not to mention, his hands were FREEZING - as he refused to let me turn on even a tiny bit of warm water, and the water was running for over an hour! Those things, I didn't feel great about. His smile, the fun in his eyes, and just his pure enjoyment over something that most of us dislike doing, however was GREAT!!! It is a bit funny if you think about it though... just 2 days prior was Christmas, and he was VERY VERY VERY good according to Santa... so looking over into the playroom at all the new toys, and then over at him at the sink washing dishes we've had forever, made me laugh. (and somewhat wish everything was still in it's package and could be taken back!!! HA!)

The very best and happiest dishwasher EVER!!!

 Serious business when it comes to the strainer... he loved having the water go through the holes... :)
note: if you look really really really closely, you can see Maggie's hand right in front on the dishwasher... she REALLY wanted to help... she soon got her chance....

 I hope this LOVE continues into teenhood!!!

 We may never need to wash the strainer again!!! :)

 Having so much fun, and Maggie is enjoying watching... you can barely see her little hands hanging onto his chair!!! ;)

 This is where I did have to say "no"... as he started to lean over (standing on chair.... aaaahhh!!!) and try to open the dishwasher to "load it"... not only was it a bit scary due to him being on the chair, but he would have knocked poor Maggs right over! She may not have minded... she was eager to help!!!

 Looking as if they are divising a plan...

 C.U.T.I.E.!!! mmm... lunch is so yummy!!!

 Especially when it includes turkey, cheese, bread (yes, a sandwich, but all seperated and in small pieces :p), mandarin oranges and a yogurt.... yummy!

 Hmmm.... I think she's mad about something... we see this face often, especially if you tell her "no", and along with the sour face, there is usually a lot of food thrown on the floor. She definitely is her own girl, and does not like things to be done any other way besides her way! :)

 Out of the highchair + a nap, and we have a happy girl again!!!


 Back to dishes after nap... and sporting Mama's apron... pretty handsome!!!

 Again, taking the job, oh so seriously! :)

 I think she's teasing Buster... "maybe I'll give you something out of my snack trap, maybe not... it's up to ME to decide that!"

 The decision looks like a "no", and more teasing is being ensued.... poor Buster...

 Where is my sock? I have all of my other necessities. Snack Trap: Check. Blingy Necklace: Check. Cellphone: Check. Just need a sock...

 I really really wish I had my other sock... (hence the sad face??? - even though, I put it back on, and she took it right back off...)

 Teasing Buster AGAIN... he just didn't make the picture... you can tell by her facial expression that she finds herself the princess... and he's just a doggie... no prince, that's for sure!

 SOCK SAGA continues...

 As do the dishes for Jack... just about done.

 Maggie's turn to help out... !!!

 Such a GREAT helper for Daddy!!!

 Hmmm.... why are Brian and I doing dishes? We have two capable kiddos to do them! C'mon, Jack is 3, and Maggie is almost 18 months... it's time they start earning their keep around the house ..... :) (JUST KIDDING!!!!)

 Maggie's look in the morning or after nap, sans hair tie, or barrette! Still soooo cute, but do you think she can see???

I think she definitely CAN... that gorgeous smile right at Mama and the camera is too great for a little girl who can't see!!! I think she's gorgeous as ever, even with crazy hair!!!!

Thanks Jack and Maggie for making Monday a really fun day, and as always, putting a smile on your Mama's face!!! I'm glad I was able to capture some of yours... and share them with all of our friends and family!

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