Monday, December 6, 2010


Today we went to Gymboree! I had taken Jack one time before, when he was a little guy - around 10 months or so. And, we only tried the FREE introductory class. It was fun, but at the time, I was doing so many activities with him, I thought that was one we could pass up ...

But, now that Jack is not in preschool and we don't have as much going on (we still have MOPS, and a Mama/Kiddo Group - they don't keep us busy everyday :p)... I decided it might be fun to give it another go... with Jack and Maggie - especially during these cold, wet and grey months. They have a GREAT "Family Gym Play and Learn" class - and today we tried it out.
 All ready to go! Having a hard time looking at the camera... when his cute little sister is making him laugh...
 Ok, I guess I'm ready... :p

 Needless to say, both kids had an absolute BLAST! And, we are now members of Gymboree, and will be attending this same class each Monday, as well as their open gym times.
Maggs strutting her stuff...!!! :)
Found a frog... hmmm... to hold it, or to throw it... (THROW IT!)

(it was impossible to get a picture of Jack... he was waaaaay toooo faaaast, and having way to much fun to stop for something as trivial as a picture, when there was some serious fun to be had!)

Jack was so confident and well-behaved! He didn't even fuss when it was time to go - the class is about an hour long... so both munchkins were tuckered out. Maggie started melting with about 20 minutes of class to go :) She even fell asleep for the first time ever in her high chair at lunch... just as I grabbed the camera, and was about to take her picture, Jack yelled "Maggie say cheese...", which woke her up... darn it, it was very cute. But, she was much happier sleeping in her crib than her highchair!

Enjoy the pictures and videos... it was so fun to see my sweeties having so much FUN!!!

Jack "jump jump jumping" on the trampoline... like Brian said, after watching the video... Thank Goodness he didn't kick the poor little kid that was attempting to climb up on the trampoline as Jack was getting down. He did great... moved himself appropriately! Way to go, Jack!!! :)

Maggie crawling SOOO FAST!!! She had a lot of fun... love when she picks up the frog... shows it to me, and drops it as fast as she can to keep moving... :)

I LOVE the way you see Jack's confidence come out in this one... especially at the end... after he gets off the balance beam... and does an arm pump while shouting "YAY"... I only had to help him on it one time, and for only half of it... I think he just wasn't quite sure what to do! He does now!!!

And, it's BUBBLE TIME... as you can tell they both LOVED it... and this is when Maggie decides she needs a bit of a rest at the end... too sweet! :)

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