Thursday, December 30, 2010

Housekeeping (say it in a loud, high pitched voice with an accent! :p)

Just an FYI - I was unaware of this, but some friends/family have replied to the blog post (if they receive it via email) - (sorry we can only have 10 email addresses for the blog posts to be sent straight to email) - - but, we are not receiving the emails. So, please don't hit reply if you are trying to email us from the blog post you received in your email from our blog ... it is getting lost in blogger land.

You can always email us at:

Thanks so much! We will now, hopefully be receiving your emails...!!! And, now this puts pressure on you all to email us, and tell us how we're doing on the blog, what we should change, what you would like more of... AND, MOST IMPORTANTLY... let us know what you're up to! We'd LOVE to hear from you!!! xoxo

Lastly, Brooke is taking a break from Crackbook Facebook. Not for any particular reason, other than it is a bit of a time waster, and she would like to dedicate more time to the blog, photography, crafting, saving her eyes from staring at the computer (because as all fellow Facebooker's know, once you log on... it's not a 5 minute trip...) and of course, most importantly, just doing the things she loves to do, rather than staring at a computer, reading or typing the last time her child did something funny... (not to mention we just can't keep up with that ... our children are hilarious, so she would be status updating ALL DAY LONG!!!). But, really the most important thing is spending time with OUR FAMILY!!!! So, buh-bye Facebook. I'm sure she'll be back soon, but with an anticipated fabulous New Year approaching, she decided what time better than... NOW! :)

Anyone wanna make bets on how long she lasts???? :p

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