Thursday, July 9, 2009

Marjorie Elizabeth Ann has ARRIVED!!!

Marjorie Elizabeth Ann Weeks arrived on July 2, 2009 at 4:17pm. She is gorgeous and absolutely perfect. I apologize for posting a week *gasp* after her birth, but settling in has been very tiring for all of us! :)
My labor/birth could not have gone better. I was induced on Thursday morning, starting Pitocin around 10:30 am, and was able to receive my epidural around 1:30pm. At about 3:15pm the nurse checked me, and I was only 5cm. At around, 4pm, I told Brian I felt the urge to push. He said "call the nurse!", and I said that it couldn't really be time, they had just checked me, and I was only at a 5. Right then my OB came in to check on me, and I told him about the urge to push. He checked me and said "well, I can see why, she is half way out!". I could not believe that I had gone from 5 cm to pushing in less than an hour!
The nurse and OB hurried to get the room ready for her birth. When they had broken my water earlier, they had discovered some meconium in the amniotic fluid, so for precaution, they called some nurses in from the NICU to make sure Maggie hadn't swollowed any of the meconium.
Then, it was time to push. Only 2 pushes later, and the OB told me to stop. I asked why? His response "she's out!". WOW!!!!! I couldn't believe it!
She did not cry at first, and was rushed over to the warmer with the nurses ready for her. She had to be suctioned out several times, along with a tube put down her throat to clear out any fluid in her belly :(
It was so hard to not be able to hold her right away. I was crying, Brian was crying, but out of happiness. We knew she would be fine, it was just a little scary at the moment.
After a few minutes, I was finally able to hold my little princess! She was so amazing. She looks a lot like me, but I also see a lot of Jack in her.
She came out weighing a whopping 7lbs, 3 oz, and 19" long... a bit smaller than her big brother (who came in at 9lbs, 1oz!!!).
Jack is so in love with his little sister. He loves to give her hugs and kisses, and hold her. He is very helpful in bringing things to Mama and Daddy. Overall, he is adjusting very well.
We are so proud of our new little family of 4, and hoping that the transition continues to go smoothly!
We'll keep everyone posted, and keep the pictures coming.
We love you all, and hope to see you sometime this summer, and show off our latest addition!

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