Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

We had such a fun day today. We started out this morning "practicing" Trick-or-Treating.
We got Jack in his costume, and let him go out to the front door, ring the door bell, with his Halloween basket in hand and try to say "Trick or Treat"... instead he would say "Tank To" (ie. Thank you). :)

Then we headed to Uptown Village, an outdoor shopping area in Gig Harbor, that was open to the kiddos starting from 3pm, and going until 6pm. We got there right at 3pm, found a GREAT parking spot (THANK YOU parking karma!!!), and started on his way. Jack had so much fun. I loved seeing the BIG smile on his face each time he got a treat. He didn't necessary realized that it was yummy candy, I think he just liked everyone doting on what a cutie Dragon he was.

He had to stop a couple of times to "rest" - ie. sit on the bench with Daddy and have a piece of candy.

Maggie on the other hand was in her stroller, and was a lil' punkin. She didn't last long.... soon she was a passed out lil' punkin. :)

Overall, a very successful Halloween for the Weeks' Family! I'm proud of my little Dragon, and his fabulous manners!

Happy Halloween to all of our friends & family. Enjoy the pictures!
ps. I (Brooke) am feeling GREAT! First day in over a week, where I haven't felt weak or just overall yucky. Wahoo for flu being gone... keeping my fingers crossed!!!! :)

It's been a long road ....

BUT... I'm FINALLY feeling better. Wowzers, I got hit hard with the flu!
I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family! Brian was working hard all week, but still coming home with a smile and getting up in the night to feed Maggie. Thank you, Brian... I love you with all of my heart.

My fabulous in-laws were here ALL WEEK (my Mother-in-law took an entire week off of work) to do EVERYTHING!!!! They took care of the kids, did all the icky laundry, fed the babies, got the babies bathed, napped, played with, etc. I cannot thank you enough, and I love you both so much. I really don't think we would have made it through the week without you. I hope you are both having a VERY restful and relaxing weekend... you certainly DESERVE it!!!!

And, mostly I'm just feeling so blessed to FINALLY be on the mend. Things really change when Mama's down and out in b.e.d.!!!! Maggie has now begun taking a little formula - as needed. Jack is really learning independent play (although, I don't think he learned that with "Papa" and "Nana" here), and overall I'm feeling happy & blessed to wake up to a gorgeous Fall morning with my wonderful husband and children and FEEL WELL!!!!

We plan on taking the kiddos out this afternoon around to the little shops to trick or treat :)
Jack has decided he will wear his Dragon costume (for candy only), and Maggie will be a sweet little pumpkin. I'll post pics soon!

Happy Halloween everyone, and never take your family for granted. Big lesson learned this week for me!!!!

Love to you all,

ps. Here are a few fun Fall pics of the kiddos to enjoy...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Are you kidding me? NO.

Well, let's begin with last Friday afternoon, the 23rd. I (Brooke) began having what I thought was an onset of a migraine. I called Brian, finally after a couple of hours of feeling terrible, and he came home and took me to Urgent Care..... again.... ugh! I swear, we should buy stock in that place!

They gave me some IV fluids, as I was once again dehydrated, and some pain medication. Then the Dr. came in and checked me out, she thought that I definitely had a migraine coming on. But, then she also asked me of my other symptoms: sore throat, yes. headache, most definitely. coughing, yes. sneezing/runny nose, yes. nausea/vomiting, yes.
Uh Oh..... the Dr. decided to test me for H1N1..... do I have it? YES!!!! I could not believe it. So I have now been quarantined in our bedroom for the past 4 1/2 days.... NO FUN. I am also on Tamiflu for 2 more days, so I'm hoping by Friday, I'll be up and at 'em! And, that I can get out for a bit on Saturday for Halloween with the munchkins!

I, however, am so blessed and thankful to my wonderful in-laws who have been living with us since Friday to help care for the kiddos and me. And, also to my loving husband, who is working hard all day at work, coming home to babies and sick wife, and doing it all with a smile on his face.
I love you all. You have all been so wonderful and amazing throughout this yucky time.

ps. Jack's bday party is still in action, unless you hear otherwise.
PPS. NEEDLESS TO SAY, THERE WAS NO DATE FOR BRIAN AND I :(. He did go to the game with a friend and had a great time. I, on the other hand, stayed in bed, or was vomiting on the bathroom floor.... was I jealous? Y.E.S.!!!!
Warm and well wishes to all!

Friday, October 23, 2009

A date!!!

Tomorrow Brian and I will be headed up to Seattle to watch the Ducks BEAT the Huskies :). It'll just be Bri, myself, and his good friend Jason... and no kiddos!
We are so thankful to Brian's parents for being willing to come and care for our little munchkins. Although, we will miss them tremendously, we do cherish the time we have alone... which isn't often enough.

On another note, our family pictures went great, her are a few of just Brian and I... since we are going on a date and all.... :)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Feeling Blessed....

Almost 2 years ago (November 9th), a sweet boy came into this world, Jackson William Weeks. My life forever changed, I had become a MOTHER! He was born at 3:01pm, after a wonderful labor and birth process. I was amazed at his beauty, and how much he already looked like Brian, but most of all, I was completely in LOVE. I still am to this day. Now with two of the most gorgeous, adoring, beautiful and kind children.
Jack is now almost 2, and it's amazing how fast the time has flown. I remember the day he entered this world so clearly.

And, Maggie is almost 4 months old, already! I've been feeling over the past few days that I really need to slow things down and enjoy all of the precious moments I have with my husband and two beautiful children. If you know me well enough, you know that I tend to take on a bit much, and try to do it to the very best.
I think that can be put on hold.... I think I need to be the very best at building towers with Jack, and being the very best at cuddling Maggie. And, of course, being the very best at loving my husband. Those things all come easy at being the very best at, yet I sometimes find myself forgetting to be the very best at them, and trying to be the very best at everything else that is not important (housecleaning, cooking, crafting, etc.).

I need to remember to put things into perspective. My children have taught me that, and it was the biggest lesson I needed to learn.

I love them with all of my heart, and as you can tell, Jackson turning 2 is bittersweet for me. I love that he is growing up and becoming so much more self-sufficient, but also am sad to see that sweet little toothless grin is gone, now it's a BIG smile and BIG "hi mama", instead... and I'll take it!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Crafty weekend...

This weekend we have a lot on our plates. Today we are at Brian's parents, and Brian's Mom is sewing some gorgeous pink sheer curtains for Miss Maggie's room. I've been working on tutus, and the two of us (Karen and I) even got to get out for a little shopping, sans kiddos!
We were able to get everything for Jack's BIG Thomas the Train cake for his birthday, and I was able to work on some more Christmas shopping (aren't you all jealous, how ahead of the game I am :p!).... and all the goodies for the birthday parties...

Tomorrow we are having a professional photographer come to the house to do our family pictures. I can't wait. I just hope & pray that the kiddos are in good moods, and we get some great shots!!!!

OH, and we have decided we will be in Portland for Thanksgiving with my family - as you never know the weather come Christmas time! We are excited to see the Johnson side!

We'll be there for the entire weekend, and look forward to hopefully catching up with some friends as well.

Lots of Love, and enjoy this gorgeous Fall weather,
The Weeks Team

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Lazy Weekend...

This is going to be our last lazy weekend in a while. Brian and I were talking this morning, and realizing how busy things are already getting, and then the holiday season is starting.... !!!

We are excited to be going to Portland to see my (Brooke's) family for Thanksgiving this year, and are planning on spending Christmas here in Gig Harbor. Brian and I are both BIG on family traditions - so our tradition we began after Jack was born was to always wake up in our own house on Christmas day. We both believe in the importance of this for our little family, especially the munchkins!

I am getting really busy with my new "TooToo Cute" business, making tutus up a storm, with my partner, Lauren. We're having a lot of fun with it, but it WOW, is it a big responsibility to start a business and really get it going!

Jack is loving his new school. He switched from a regular little school - going 2 days p/week, to going to a new Christian-based school 1 day p/week. We are all much happier with his new school, and Jack loves it to say the least. He even has his own little monkey backpack now... granted it's backed with necessities (ie. diapers, etc.), he's very proud wearing into school!

Maggie is doing GREAT! She is becoming a better sleeper, and we are hoping that she will soon transition into her own crib. Oh, wouldn't that be nice! :) We'll see how it goes, she is a total cuddle bug, so we'll see how well she likes sleeping alone. She prefers to snuggle with Daddy at night, so it might be a tough transition.

Lastly, we are in the midst of planning Jackson's 2nd birthday party! We cannot believe he will be 2! I think of two years ago, and what an amazing change it was to Brian and I to bring home this amazing bundle of joy. He has blessed our lives ever since. Needless to say, we love both Jack and Maggie to the ends of the earth and back again!

Here are some fun update pictures! Enjoy! We hope you are all well, and we will be able to see some family & friends over the holidays!

Much Love,
Brian, Brooke, Jack & Maggie

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Whew.... what a week...

We have begun a new week, that is a good thing. It is also Fall, my favorite time of year. Things seem to be good, and I am feeling blessed and thankful for those in my life.
I had a scary migraine episode last Friday, in which I fainted and was taken by ambulance to the ER, due to the fainting and irregular heartbeat on the EKG, that they did here at the house.
Once I got to the hospital, and they were able to give me some medication for the head pain, and run more tests, all came back fine, THANK GOODNESS. But, it was quite scary for all of us.
So, after reflecting over this past weekend, I have really decided that I must focus on the blessings in my life. Brian is beyond a wonderful husband, and Jack and Maggie are two amazing munchkins.
I hope it doesn't take all of us such a scary experience to literally "count our blessings", but also to do so on a daily basis.
Again, I appreciate all who read our blog and keep updated on the "Weeks Team". We love and miss all of our friends and family that are not nearby. But, look forward to spending some time with them over the upcoming holidays.....
And, Jackson's 2nd birthday fastly approaching... next post will be *sob* most likely in regards to how my "baby" is no longer a baby... he's my big, sweet, kind and caring boy!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Brooke and her friend, Lauren have begun a business! Making and selling tutus, embellished onesies to go along with the tutus, and lots of other fun GIRLIE things.

Check out their site: