Thursday, December 10, 2009

Tooth saga continues....

You'd really think I was an 80 year old woman at this point.... with all of my ongoing health issues... well, add to the bag my teeth. As most of you know, I had two root canals done back to back the week prior to Thanksgiving. The first one healed nicely, and is still patiently awaiting it's crown. :P

The second one however, bothered over Thanksgiving weekend and continued into the following week. I finally went back to the Endodontist, after taking 2 rounds of Penicillin and pain medication. He looked at it and discovered a crack in it. So, he took the composite out of it, to check the inside, and indeed there was a crack on the inside as well. How the crack came about, and if it was there to begin with is still to be determined (or never in my mind). So, I'm thinking that he'll just "fix" it... well, fixing it is.... EXTRACTING AKA pulling the tooth. I was very upset when he told me that, but tried to stay strong and realize it's just a tooth, my very last back tooth for that matter.
So I quickly went over to the regular dentist, got all numbed up, and out came the tooth, all in one piece, it was surprisingly quick and easy! I chose not to keep the tooth, much to Brian's dismay :).

But, it is healing now, and I'm hoping after my first good root canal gets it's crown put on, we'll be good to go in the dental dept. for a while.
(ps. the tooth fairy did come even though I didn't have a tooth, with a Starbucks gift card!!!- I'm a lucky lady!).

On another note, the same day, I saw my neurologist.... again, am I 80? We are now trying a new medication for me that has virtually NO side effects (WAHOOO!), but the stinger (literally) - it's an injection that I have to give myself as soon as I feel a headache coming on. The plus being no sleepy side effects, etc. It's an anti inflammatory, so no pain meds to cause rebound headaches. So that was a GREAT appointment. I've had the injections before at Urgent Care and the ER, so hopefully this will save us many visits to those not so fun places.

In other news, Jack and Maggie are doing great. Jack is growing so fast, and learning new things every day! He can say 3, 2, 1 ... GO! Of course with something being projected or pushed (ie.... ball, train, car). Maggie is also growing like a champ. She gets sweeters, smarter and cuter each and every day. I bought some rice cereal, so we may give it a try this weekend... we'll see... she seems so little, but she'll be 6 months, January 2nd, when you can officially begin giving them rice cereal. However, with Jack I think we started a little earlier... he was a hungry boy! :)

Again, we hope you all are enjoying this wonderful Holiday Season. Remember to tell the ones you love that you love them, Remember not to sweat the small stuff, because it's all small stuff, and remember that the Weeks love all of you!

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