Friday, September 3, 2010

Wait.... we have a blog?

Seriously, we have a blog? If you hadn't noticed, I had forgotten :). Actually, I haven't forgotten, things have just been super busy this week for some reason. And, last week... and my friend had a baby, and Jack is learning to really be sassy, Maggie is learning to walk... ok, I'll stop with the excuses... I just haven't blogged. I will try harder...

Last weekend Brian was gone for the whole weekend for a work retreat, and I was left with the munchkins, after a long week! BUT, happy to say we all three made it out of the weekend alive, and practically waiting in the driveway for Brian's truck to pull up :). Actually, it wasn't too bad, at all. We had a few melt downs here and there (by all 3 of us), but it was a busy weekend, so it made things a little easier than trying to find things to do.

ME (above) upon Brian's arrival home... :)

On Friday, we finally got to go and meet Mr. Jackson Thomas! He is beyond precious. His pictures don't do him justice, he is so adorable, cuddly, sweet, and just darn adorable! We LOVE him!!! And, are also so proud of Niki and Matt as parents. They are doing amazing! I was so in love with Jackson T., and trying to wrangle Jack & Maggs, I didn't get any pics of the cutie, but promise to next time, which will hopefully be soon!

Saturday, was my sweet little cousin's bday. He turned 4 :), yes, he is my FIRST cousin :)
We adore both Caleb, and his older sister Charis. Caleb will begin preschool this year, and Charis just started 1st grade! I remember so vividly when they were both born... it's so true when they say little ones grow up so fast (sigh... tear...)...
Jack adores Caleb, and so we had a really fun time at his "water gun" party... and Maggie enjoyed herself too!

The Birthday Boy! We love you, Caleb! And, hope that you are enjoying being 4!

Big Sister, Charis... having a super fun time too!

I was so lucky to have my Grandmother there with me to help with the kiddos.... I don't think I could have wrangled both munchkins alone, and again, there could have been more than one meltdown, by one of the 3 of us for sure!

Maggie with one of her favorite ladies, Nana... THANK YOU, NANA for all of your help at the party... and all the help in general you give us with the munchkins. We all LOVE you so very much!!! xo

Finally, Sunday came... and Brian was able to make it home early! WAHOOO!!!! And, we were off to bday party #2 - my good friend Makenzy's son, James. He turned 5! The kids had a great time at the pool party! There was a super fun pinata, water balloons, and other games for the kiddos... not to mention a great BBQ and cake! Mmmm... the Byrum's know how to throw a birthday party!

Jack taking a WHAK at the Pinata... no blindfold for him :)

Such a fun party, with so many fun games... pinata, water balloons, pin the sticker on the... ???
WHAT? Candy comes out? F.U.N.!!! And, he thought just hitting it with a bat was fun :)

Water balloon fight! Again... F.U.N.!!!!

Who's it going to hit??? (FYI: most of the ones that he threw didn't break... need to work on that arm, buddy ;p)

Let's hope this one goes... SPLAT!

So proud of himself, nonetheless! :)

Time for another fun game... (some type of pin the tail on... with stickers...) This is what a party is all about!!!!

James' little sister, Frankie. What a cutie she is! However, she doesn't look too thrilled with the kiss Jack is planting on her :). She is 3 months younger than Jack! Maybe someday....

Funny Face, especially for the little lady who consumed watermelon during most of the party! And, hung out with Daddy!

Jack LOVED the waterfall in their backyard...
I, really should have taken more pictures just of their amazing backyard... it is gorgeous... looks like a yard out of a Pottery Barn catalog, and most they have all done by hand themselves!!!! It's a gorgeous yard!!! And, kid friendly too!

HOME - BATH - BED. What a fun two days of partying we had!
ps. Can't show you the picture of J heading into the shower, as I'm unsure how to put a "leaf" on a photo :)

Overall, a fun, but exhausting weekend. So, when Monday morning came, I was so pooped, as were the kiddos. I think they had a sugar hangover or something, because Monday was a difficult day for us all!

I did feel a bit like "this" on Monday... ;)

Thankfully, Tuesday came, and was much better!

The rest of the week flew by. Jack got a cute haircut, and didn't completely FREAK out, but did somewhat... the usual, but a bit tamer. He now no longer looks like a shaggy little guy. Although, when I told him his hair looked Shaggy, he said he liked Shaggy, because Shaggy is from Scooby Doo.... hmmmm....

Pre-Haircut... all fun & games until the lady attempts to put a cape on you, and you go NUTS!!!
So, needless to say, no cape was worn, screaming was endured, but it was the best experience we've had with a haircut thus far... let's hope it just keeps getting better!

Right, I know, you don't believe me that he turned into a craaaaazy monster while getting his haircut, because he looks sweet as pie after the haircut... not to mention, quite handsome!
Brian's parents are coming tonight, and staying for the weekend. We can't wait! And, then Brian's brother Jeff and his family will be here for the day on Sunday! We are eager to see everyone!
Jeff's birthday was on the 1st, and Brian's Mom's is tomorrow... so we will be doing some serious celebrating... oh wait, is that going to lead to another sugar hangover Monday for me?

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