Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Maggie Update...

Today I had my monthly OB visit. Maggie is doing GREAT! Her heartbeat was nice and strong and she is measuring to come on time (let's hope!). And, the Glucose Test wasn't too bad. They have made the "drink" carbonated now, so it just tasted like really sweet orange soda.
Let's just hope I "pass" the first round, so I don't have to go back for the 3 hour test.
It's really starting to hit us that we'll have another baby in the house. Having the crib up, and getting all of her little things in order. It's all very exciting, but also scary at the same time. To think of 2 babies under the age of 2!!!!
We hope that Jack will love his baby sister from the start, but realize that there will be an adjustment period, as he has been our main man for so long!
He's such a sweet boy, I hope he keeps his same disposition with our new addition.

On another note, Jack is STILL sick. Poor little guy. He's dealing with it fairly well, but is really struggling to fight this off. I will call the pediatrician if he is still feeling crummy tomorrow. Let's hope he's on the mend by then!

Just wanted to let you all know that Maggie is doing great, as is Jack, besides struggling with being sick. He's still wild as ever! Nothing seems to slow him down!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey There,
    Good to hear about Maggie and sorry to hear about Jack. Hope everyone is feeling better soon.


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