Thursday, June 2, 2011

Happy 23 months, Maggie!

Our Sweetpea is 23 months YOUNG... 
one month to go... 
until she turns... 2!!!
 We had a really nice day a couple of weeks ago, and enjoyed a really fun morning/afternoon at the park!
Maggie is just like Mommy, in that she's gotta be slathered in sunscreen with her fair skin!
Mama missed a few spots on both Maggie and herself, and it showed the next day, with little pink patches here and there. :(
 Taking a play break, to enjoy a yummy snack of pretzels.
(that is probably one of Maggie's favorite snacks!)
We cannot believe that she will be 2 next month!!! It's hard to believe we have lived back in Oregon for a year, today was Brian's 1-year anniversary with his firm, Jack is 3 1/2 and Maggie is going to be 2!!!
 Such a silly girl in the morning! She absolutely LOVES to cuddle in the morning, after breakfast... and her blankie MUST ALWAYS BE WITHIN REACH...
Maggie definitely LOVES to cuddle. And, if Daddy is home, he's usually her go-to guy for cuddles... and ESPECIALLY if tired, grumpy, not feeling 100%, or upset/sad.
As much as she loves Daddy, she is also a Mama's girl too...
I have to say, I hope her love for snuggling NEVER ends!!!

She has grown so much in the past year, and has really amazed us with her determination to try and do everything just like her Big Brother. She absolutely idolizes Jack. He is most definitely her very best friend and playmate. She LOVES to do anything he is doing! Including his love for trains, cars, superheroes, etc. She literally mimics anything and everything she can, that she sees Jackson doing. This is usually a good thing, but not always. :p

Maggie does love trains like her brother, but she also really loves all of her "baby dolls", which include a menagerie of dolls and stuffed animals. Most often, you will catch her with one in hand. She has two doll beds, which is good... as they have to take rotation in sleeping in them... as she has waaaaaay more dollies than doll beds.

 She LOVES to give her babies kisses and big hugs.
This affection, of course, includes stuffed animals too. Kitty being one of her favorites at the moment. :)

It is so fun to see them becoming closer and closer, and really loving to play and be with each other. We are not only proud of Maggie for how much she has grown over the past year, but also we are so incredibly proud of the Big Brother Jackson has become! He loves Maggie so much, and really has taken on the role of Big Brother seriously. He is very attentive, and watches out for her. He, of course, still is a bit territorial when it comes to his "big boy" toys... but, seems to always find her a "baby toy" to play with. :)

 Yes... this grumpy guy (below) belongs to us... 
poor Maggie is avoiding any contact with Mr. Grumpasaurus
 Speaking of not wanting to be a "baby"... our Target has these new, very cool shopping carts. There are two seats in the front (with seatbelts) for munchkins to ride in. Jack did NOT like this new cart AT.ALL. to begin with, as the seats were for "babies", according to him... and he let me know loud and clear how he felt about the "baby seats"...
 How could I not capture this face on film?
HA!!! He was so upset to be riding in a "baby seat".... 
however, the "baby seat"...
soon became a "FUN and COOL" seat and cart... 
Thankfully, he decided that fairly quickly into our trip at Target. 
After deciding that the seat was ok, and sorta fun, he immediately asked me to take his picture with his happy face. :) 
as you can see, Maggie is happy that Jack is happy too... 
no one likes to be around a grumpy Jack - just an FYI. :p

He informed Brian and I this past weekend, that he never wants to get married. He wants to live with Mommy & Daddy forever (yes, my heart melted...), and he already has a baby. Her name is Maggie. So, he doesn't need to get married. (apparently the ONLY reason one would get married is to have a baby... :p).
We wonder how he'll feel when she turns 2, and is "officially" a toddler, not a baby....??? I think she'll always be our baby, including Jack's baby. 
Next month at this time, we'll be wishing our sweetpea Happy Birthday! 
It's going to be fun... and here's a little hint regarding Our Little Princess' birthday celebration....

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