Thursday, July 21, 2011


This afternoon I finally got a chance to get out my camera and get some fun pictures of the munchkins... something I haven't done in a while. And... in all efforts to avoid getting all that I have on my "to-do" list done, before I'm out of commission for a while. It was the best way to avoid "to-do's".
It was really fun to play around with Maggie, and Jack is becoming much more a bit more willing to have his photo taken these days. (ok... no, I didn't just figure out how to do that cross out word thingy, but I really think it's fun... so just let me have a few A LOT more posts using that thingy thingy... thanks!).

Both kiddos took a nap today, which is quite rare. Jack doesn't nap much these days, but with the ongoing potty training, he has been waking up a lot at night, as well as getting up super duper early. So, today was one of those days, where by 11:30am meltdowns were beginning (yes, including me...). After lunch, I declared nap time, and Jack put up a fight ~ only to be sound asleep within minutes of his head hitting his pillow.

Maggie woke up before Jack, so I got to get a few more pictures of her... and of course, she wanted to wear a dress... at first. We had a lot of fun "playing dress up", and with her special tea set... (side note: it's the most darling little tea set, and all ceramic, so only for very special occassions, like today... it's a special day, isn't everyday? It's a very very very fancy tea set (according to Jackson), yep, extremely fancy... the entire tea set with not a one missing piece, this thrifty Mama found at our local Goodwill for a whopping $3.99. Try to beat that, fancy pants).
She kept waiting for Jack to wake up (another side note: neither of the munchkins like to be up without the other. They are always waiting, whining, stalking the door of, being as loud as humanly possible until the other "half" wakes up. I think they don't like to be alone with me. I need to check and make sure they also do this with Brian. Or maybe it's just me... Hence the title of this post, Paparazzi???? ie. Mama Paparazzi????). 

So, she would call for him from the playroom (his door was shut "a crack", long story... if you've been to our house for one second during nap and/or bedtime you know what "a crack" means, if not... it's way too detailed to go in to... yes, there is a HUGE HUMONGOUS difference between all the way shut and a tiny itty bitty crack of door open that you cannot see out or in... ANYWAAAAAAYS..........), finally Jack woke up, yes prying open his crack of a door jam that was open (is that how one would use the term "door jam"?). This may be the longest blog post ever, BEFORE even getting to the pictures...

After taking pictures, I was cleaning up the kitchen, and the munchkins were playing in the playroom. Jack screams "Mommy, Maggie just took her diaper off!"... I look over and sure enough, Maggie's diaper is in the middle of the playroom, and she (still wearing a dress) is playing at the train table "bottomless", if you will. I tried to put her diaper back on, but she absolutely refused. She kept saying "unner air unner air", awwww... she wanted to wear "underwear"! Well... we haven't yet bought the princess any ummm... princess underwear, so she chose a pair of Jack's that are now too small (yes, that is how long we have been potty training... oy vey!), and were covered with Lightening McQueen (red fast race car from the movie "cars"). 
I thought maybe she'd wear 'em for a bit, and then want a diaper back on... 
next thing I hear, "Mommy, Maggie just took her unnerair off!"... I look over and there are the said unnerair on the floor, Maggie playing happily on the floor, completely naked now... (oh, forgot a part... when we put the unnerair underwear on, she no longer wanted to wear her dress, and refused any other clothing, besides the said underwear)... how many times can I, not only type the word "underwear" in one post, but giggle each time I do??? :p

I grabbed a gDiaper (one of the brands of cloth diapers we use) and pinned layed her down, and got it on.... FYI: gDiapers are velcro'ed opposite from a disposable diaper, so the tabs are in the back... so that little ones can't aren't supposed to get them off. Seriously... not even 2 minutes later, "Mommy, Maggie took her diaper off again. I fink her wansa be nekid".... yep, I think so.
So... she was naked... for a long time. Until she peed on the floor, next to the train table and on Jack's cape (that I made him by hand... yeah, sewing and stuff) that was laying on the floor. End of that. Jack and I pinned got a diaper on that girl, some pants, a shirt... and that was the end of her nakedness for today!

Enjoy the pictures...
One would never know just a few minutes this sweet little girl was a nudist.
 This is one of my favorites I got of I got of Miss Maggs today. (above photo)
 outfit change...
 "Now, you go clean your room!" 
(I think she was babbling that in the above picture... maybe???)
 oh, thank goodness Jack is awake!
One of my favorite pictures I got of Mr. Man today (above), Love that smile!

::warning: naked baby
"It's so rough being a 1950's housewife"
                          ~ Marjorie E. A. Weeks, 1952
 Yep, from pure sweetness "ole' south" to "woodstock" in minutes...
This may (TRULY) be the scariest photo I have ever seen.
And, it's of my own child.
This is really horror movie material... 
And, it's of my own child.
She might have a knife under her crib.
And, it's my own child.
I don't think I can ever look at this picture again... it's scaaaaary!
And, it's my own child.

:: and just so you all don't have nightmares from the photo above, 
I'll leave you with the one below. 
Hopefully it makes you laugh, not scream from terror.
Hoping to get a few more posts in before "D" Day 
... next Tuesday
... breathe... breathe... breathe... 

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