Saturday, January 22, 2011

Our week... was GREAT!

We had, yet another fun and busy week!
To keep this post somewhat less than novel length, I tried to keep with mostly pictures.
We hope that you enjoy some great pictures I was able to capture of the munchkins this week...

Maggie is doing so GREAT with her walking... she is walking more and more every day, and we all could not be more proud of her!

 Miss Maggie after bath and getting her hair dried. While I was drying her hair she was looking through all of my headbands, and picked this one out, and kept trying to put it on her head... I helped her out... and think it looks pretty darn cute on her! :)
 Our pretty lady, all ready for bed... (yes, the headband came off :p)
 Ummm... I think I'm ready to go and say "Night Night" to Daddy and Jack.

How lucky can this Mama get?
 As I was doing dishes, Maggie crawled up into the dishwasher.
After the cute and quick photo-op, she was off, and no longer allowed to climb on there.
When I told her No, and that it was Dangerous, she just giggled at me... Oh, Maggie!
 All smiles, until she was taken off, and realized that Mama wasn't gonna let her do that again...
 Sorry, Maggs... I know it was fun for the moment... but, someday you won't even like loading the dishwasher, I know so hard for you and your BROTHER to ever imagine!

(and his Daddy & Mommy, Jay and Stefanie)
Boulder is Jack's love. Seriously. Boulder is our great friend's, Jay & Stefanie's dog. He is still a puppy, but a total sweetheart and full of energy. Jack LOVES him. He had come with them when they joined us for Thanksgiving, and ever since then, all we hear about is Boulder, Boulder, Boulder. So, when we asked Jack what he wanted to do last weekend, and if he wanted to have a playdate, he promptly said "yes", and "with Boulder". That's when you know your kiddo LOVES dogs!!! They had beyond a fun time together chasing and running all over the house. Maggie, on the other hand, is not the biggest Boulder fan - but a HUGE Stefanie & Jay fan! :)
 Maggie relaxing with Jay!
Maggie: "It's much safer up here with Jay, than on the floor with crazy Jack and Boulder!"
 Our friend, Boulder.
He won't get much bigger than he is now, and he is asolutely gorgeous. His breed is called, Vizsla - and he is really one of the most gorgeous dogs. Not to mention, fun, outgoing personality - that Jack loves... as he's just like Jack! HA!!!
 Jack + Boulder = BFF's!!!
 Stefanie and Jack playing. She is the sweetest friend... she absolutely adores Jack and Maggie, and is always up for playing with them... and Jack takes total advantage of her being so much fun! :p
 Maggie loves Stefanie (as we all do!)... she much rather preferred playing with Stefanie, over playing with Jack and Boulder!
 Stef and Maggs

Thank you, Jay & Stefanie for always being so great with our munchkins! We adore you both, and of course, sweet Boulder too! We had such a great time with you 3, and can't wait to see you all again soon!!!

Ummm... bedtime?
No thanks!
 Jack isn't feeling the "Time for Bed" theme...
 Smiley! Ready for Bed!!!
 Apparently acting like a bat, might allow you to become nocturnal, which means no bedtime...
 Good imagination and idea, Jack... but, you're hitting the hay, like a "kid boy"
(that is what he calls himself & Maggie is either a "baby girl" or "kid girl" - I guess just in case we forget their gender...)

One of very best friend's Kara, was able to stop by for a bit this week, after an interview she had in Portland. I had told Jack she was coming, and he was beyond excited! He kept saying "she's my friend too!". He asked for Kara to read him his naptime story ... so very sweet.
He had a hard time when she had to go, but we promised that we would go and visit her soon!
 Reading "Biscuit" - one of Jack's favorites right now. It's about "Biscuit the Dog", who has a hard time going to bed... and keeps up with his excuses...
hmmmm.... sounds a bit familiar to someone I know! :)
 We loved having you visit, Kara. Even if you could only stay for a bit! We love and miss you! And, are so proud of you... (she is finishing her last year of Law School)! We look forward to our visit to your house, and of course, your upcoming Graduation!!! xoxo

Time for some Building and Doll Bed Playing...
Jack loving playing with his power tools... and building "houses, fixing Maggie's doll bed (that is new, and not broken :p)", and is willing to "fix"just about anything needed...
Jack the Builder!
Maggie, you aren't a dolly! Silly girl!
There ya go... it's for your babies...
Maggs, we're thinking you're a little too big for the dolly bed :P
Onto some different toys...
 Jack relaxing and waiting for Daddy to get home...
(ps. he is starting to become a no-napper, UGH!!! so on the days he refuses to nap, this is usually him by about 4:30pm!)
 Tea Time!
Maggie spies someone... it's... Daddy!!!
 YAY! Daddy's home!
Jack's turn first!
Maggie is patiently waiting her turn for Daddy cuddles!!!
 Loving Daddy!!!
 Our little guy - being so patient with Mama taking his picture!
He's not big on having his picture taken... so this was a rare moment... Thanks Jack!
You make Mama proud, not to mention, you are oh so handsome!!!
 Maggie back to the baby bed after Daddy came home... still thinking it's a bed for her :p
 Hmmm... Cookie Monster fit pretty good. I guess it could be a bed for him!
 Taking care of "babies" is exhausting... I need a break, and a big drink of water!
 Much better!
But, boy am I tired... those babies wore me out! I think I'm going to have to hit the hay early tonight, as tomorrow is another day in the life of me taking care of Cookie Monster and all of my other "babies"...

Again, we had a fun and busy week - that included Gymboree, playdates, friends visiting, physical therapy for Maggie, and a whole lot of fun!
Happy Saturday!
Enjoy the sunshine, even if it is chilly!
Lots of Love!
The Weeks

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